• Knit and Crochet Photos

  • March 2012
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The Long And Winding Road

It has been a long and winding road that has brought me back to blogging.  I write blog posts in my head, but they never make it here.  Ravelry and food allergies has sucked up my blogging mojo. So I had a food allergy test last year and found out not only am I allergic to corn (knew this one) and dairy, but also wheat (I somewhat suspected this one), egg whites and oranges!  I really miss oranges 😦  It has made making quick and easy food a bit of a non-existent thing for me because corn and wheat is in everything!  So I have to make so much of what I eat down to the tiniest details like soup stock, chilli powder, bread etc…There are a lot more non-wheat options out there, but almost all of them have corn, dairy and/or eggs. Eating out is a crap shoot and most of the time I end up sick and in pain for a few days, so it’s not really work it.  I do feel fantastic now and have energy as well as no pain, migraines, brain fog, stomach issues etc…It may suck having to not eat the wonderful things your friends are eating, but the results are so worth it.

The needles are still flying.  I still need to block and take pictures of a lot of things I’ve had so far this year.  This is one of my favourites though.  Berrocco Remix is my new favourite yarn, since Rowan discontinued the best sheepless yarn ever, Calmer.  All those non-smoking and non-cat owning knitters you can send the Calmer that just still in your stash to me and I will gladly give it a good home as well as knit it up.  I thought I’d test Remix on a hat, since I have only started two sweaters with it!  I knit Ashley the Worsted out of one ball of Strawberry.  I only knit 3 chart repeats instead of 4, but I found the hat still to be a bit big 😦  I still love it and plan to make another hat out of Remix, but make sure to use much smaller needles and maybe even make a swatch to decide what needle to use.


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